IFMBE CED COVID-19 Resource Center

by | Mar 18, 2020 | CED_info



This repository has been moved to the GCEA’s Website. Click here to go to the Hacking Coronavirus content repository. (


Special Recognition for all Healthcare Practitioners

Very important that our community of medical device services — around the globe — receive recognition and support for their hard work.

Like the men and women who keep our military fleet of fighters, ships, tanks, and every last piece of electrical, pneumatic, and mechanical devices safe, reliable, and service-ready, the massive community of Biomedical Equipment Technicians (BMETs), Clinical Engineers (CEs), and Field Service Professionals (FEPs) are often working quietly on the front lines 24×7 in hospitals ensuring patients, physicians, and nurses have as many devices as possible saving lives, not sitting on shelves or in closets.


THANK YOU all for your hard and skillful work in the midst of this crisis.

Elliot Sloane & The IFMBE CED Board