Global Clinical Engineering Journal – the Inaugural Issue!

by | Apr 16, 2019 | CED_news

Yadin David


Our Journal has arrived! In a way, you can think of the Global Clinical Engineering Journal as the child that will foster a sense of pride for clinical engineers all over the world – producing the magnificent aura that new parents delight in as they nurture and rear their beautiful baby.


This baby (the Journal) has older siblings – all members of the profession’s family that are working together to be successful. Among the slew of important, recent achievements that makes our family proud, are:


  • The ushering of the only Congress dedicated to the Clinical Engineering field – the International Clinical Engineering and Health Technology Management Congress – the third congress slated to take place in Rome, Italy, in October 2019 (
    The world-wide celebration of the Global Clinical Engineering Day (, this year on October 21st it will be initiated from Shanghai, China, and Rome, Italy, recognizing the contributions of CEs to improving healthcare outcomes.
  • The initiation of the Clinical Engineering Awards Program (
  • The free-access posting of Human Factors for Health Technology Safety book ( on the new Clinical Engineering Division Web site (; and now
    The arrival of our own publication – the Global Clinical Engineering Journal (


It is critically important that you feel as though the Journal is your child, since this is going to be your creation, and the outcome will be directly correlated to the level of your personal engagement and investment. We all know that raising a child “takes a village.” It is no exception that Global CE Journal needs a village, and that with the proper amount of tender loving care, it will grow and turn into a mature, impactful publication. It will only thrive when and if you (the village) will feed, care for, encourage, and share your knowledge with it.


We do have a few advantages that should make you all proud. For instance, I am so proud of the amazing members of the Editorial Board of our Journal who make up a wide range of disciplinary fields, including clinical engineers, medical doctors, surgeons, anesthesiologist researchers, health informatics, technology evaluation experts, medical device incubator leaders, forensic engineers, academicians, researchers, adult and pediatric hospital engineers, industry, government, World Health Organization (WHO), Federation, associations, non-government organizations, and patient care. They are all established leaders in their areas of expertise, with well-published manuscripts. In addition, they represent expertise from the four corners of the world, ranging from Africa and the Americas, to Europe and Asia. Who can ask for more?


Another advantage we have is the selection and deployment of an open-access platform that facilitates a timely, systematic, and consistent double-blind review process of submissions, online archiving, and secure access to high-quality manuscripts anywhere in the world. The Journal is fortunate to have a dedicated manager, Ms. Stavrianou, who holds a doctorate degree in Biomedical Engineering. What a suitable expert for our high-quality Journal.


Our volunteer-based reviewers represent a wide scope of knowledge in many related topics. These reviewers offer their time and expertise to facilitate and promote fair, high quality, and a scientifically constructive review process of the submissions, thus supporting the editors’ objectives.


As you probably know, raising a child requires resources, and we have an advantage there as well. Through the Clinical Engineering Division (CED) early support, the first few baby steps were taken successfully. Now thanks to the generous support of China Medical Device (CMD) enterprise, these steps have turned into a march.


This is a momentous occasion, where your submissions and scholarly contributions will turn our dream into a reality. The Journal aims to also encourage submissions from young engineers, as well as from senior scientists.


To join as a reviewer, or to submit your manuscript, go the Web site: and register. Once you register, you can select the actions you would like to follow – either to become a reader, a reviewer, or to submit your work. I invite you to act and be part of the family. This Journal is for you and your colleagues. You have a unique opportunity to participate in “raising” our profession. Prepare your submission now!


Together we will make it the best it can be!