WHO Global Forum of Medical Devices

The World Health Organization’s Global Forum of Medical Devices is a pivotal platform for addressing the critical issues surrounding medical technologies and their role in enhancing global health. This forum brings together stakeholders from various sectors, including governments, healthcare professionals, industry leaders, and academia, to discuss and collaborate on improving access to safe and effective medical devices. The Global Forum aims to foster dialogue on critical topics such as regulatory frameworks, innovation in medical device technology, and integration of these devices into health systems. By highlighting best practices and sharing experiences, the forum seeks to promote the responsible use of medical devices, ensuring they meet the needs of patients and healthcare providers alike. Participants at the forum engage in discussions that cover a wide range of issues, including the lifecycle of medical devices, from development and manufacturing to post-market surveillance and maintenance. The event also emphasizes the importance of capacity building in low- and middle-income countries, where access to quality medical devices can significantly impact healthcare outcomes. In addition to presentations and panel discussions, the Global Forum features exhibitions and networking opportunities, allowing participants to connect and explore collaborative initiatives. By facilitating knowledge exchange and fostering partnerships, the World Health Organization’s Global Forum of Medical Devices plays a crucial role in advancing global health through the responsible use of medical technology.

Fourth Global Forum on Medical Devices

December 13 –15, 2019

Visakhapatnam, India

The Fourth Global Forum on Medical Devices, which took place in December 2018, focused on addressing various needs identified by Member States. Among the key topics discussed during the forum were the introduction of the WHO’s first edition of the Essential In Vitro Diagnostics List (EDL), the initial version of the International Classification of Medical Devices (ICMD), and ongoing efforts to select priority medical devices (PMD) for cardiovascular and primary healthcare, as well as oxygen delivery systems and regulatory networks.

During the Fourth WHO Global Forum, the following objectives were met: to define methods for increasing and measuring access to essential and priority medical devices under Universal Health Coverage in compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals;  to share country evidence of best practices in regulating, assessing, and managing medical devices; to demonstrate the development and use of innovative, appropriate, affordable technologies to respond to global health priorities; and to share WHO tools and guidelines on medical devices for better implementation.

Take a look at the report

Third Global Forum on Medical Devices: improving access to safe, effective and innovative quality medical devices

May 10 – 12, 2017

Geneva, Switzerland

The agenda of the Third WHO Global Forum featured discussions on optimal practices, obstacles, and emerging tools related to innovation, regulation, assessment, and management (including procurement, technical specifications, donations, maintenance, and safe usage) of medical devices. Additionally, presentations covered the cataloging of medical devices based on healthcare facilities, disease, and clinical intervention. The objectives of the Forum were as follows: develop strategies to enhance access to priority medical devices within the Universal Health Coverage framework, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals; share evidence-based best practices in regulating, assessing, and managing medical devices; showcase the development and application of innovative, suitable, and cost-effective technologies addressing global health priorities; disseminate WHO tools and guidelines on medical devices to facilitate better implementation; provide updates on the outcomes of implementing World Health Assembly resolutions on medical devices and the EMP strategy for 2030..

Here you can find the Forum Report

Second Global Forum on Medical Devices: priority medical devices for Universal Health Coverage

November 22 – 24, 2013

Geneva, Switzerland

The objectives of the Forum included: outlining strategies to enhance access to essential medical devices within the Universal Health Coverage framework; exchanging knowledge on effective practices in health technology assessment and the management and regulation of medical devices; showcasing the advancement and application of suitable and innovative technologies addressing global health challenges and  reporting on the progress made in implementing the World Health Assembly resolution on health technologies (WHA60.29) and the initiatives resulting from the First Global Forum on Medical Devices.

Read the Report of this Forum

First Global Forum on Medical Devices: context, outcomes, and future actions

September 9 – 11, 2010

Bangkok, Thailand

In September 2010, more than 300 participants from various countries convened in Bangkok, Thailand, to attend the inaugural WHO Global Forum on Medical Devices. This significant event culminated three years of dedicated efforts following the adoption of the initial resolution on health technologies by the World Health Assembly in May 2007 (WHA60.29). During this period, a series of regional meetings on health technology were conducted, a comprehensive country survey on medical devices was carried out, and reference documents and tools on medical device regulations, assessment, and management were developed. Additionally, a concerted effort was made to identify innovative technologies to address global health challenges.

Link to the report